Lag Function

SQL LAG() is a window function  that provides access to a specific row which comes before the current row.

In other words, by using the LAG() function, from the current row, you can access data of the previous row, or from the second row before the current row, or from the third row before current row, and so on.

The LAG() functions in SQL is versatile tools that can be used in various scenarios to analyze data and perform calculations involving neighboring rows. Here are some other common use cases for LAG() functions:

  1. Analyzing Time Series Data: The functions is often used in time series analysis to compare values between consecutive time periods. For example, you can use LEAD() to find the next period’s value or LAG() to retrieve the previous period’s value in a time series dataset.
  2. Detecting Changes: LAG() can help identify changes in data. By comparing the current value with the next or previous value, you can detect trends, anomalies, or shifts in the dataset.
  3. Calculating Time Differences: When working with timestamp data, the functions can be used to calculate the time difference between consecutive events or occurrences.
  4. Calculating Running Totals: You can use LAG() to access the previous row’s total and calculate running totals or cumulative sums in a dataset.
  5. Finding Top-N Records: By using LEAD() and LAG() together with ORDER BY, you can retrieve the top or bottom N records based on certain criteria.
  6. Data Imputation: The functions can be employed to fill missing data by imputing values from neighboring rows.
  7. Analyzing Market Data: In finance and stock market analysis, LAG() can be utilized to calculate returns, moving averages, and other financial indicators.
  8. Employee Performance Analysis: For HR and performance analysis, the functions can be used to compare an employee’s performance metrics with the previous or subsequent periods.
  9. Clickstream Analysis: In web analytics, LAG() can help track user behavior in clickstream data and analyze the paths users take through a website or application.
  10. Customer Churn Analysis: In customer churn analysis, the functions can be applied to compare customer behavior over time and identify patterns leading to churn.

The versatility of LEAD() and LAG() functions makes them powerful tools for data analysts and developers, providing valuable insights and enabling efficient calculations in various real-world scenarios.

Syntax for Lag Function

LAG (expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ( [PARTITION BY partition_expression, ... ] ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC|DESC], ... )


SELECT [Date] ,
lag([PageType],1) over(partition by sessionid order by pageorder asc) as nextPage 
FROM [Pages]

In the above query, the expression is PageType, the offset is 1, and the default is NULL, which means that if there is no previous row, the LAG function will return NULL.

The OVER clause specifies the partitioning and ordering of the result set. In this case, the PARTITION BY clause partitions the result set by SessionID, and the ORDER BY clause orders the result set by PageOrder in ascending order.

The result of the LAG function is aliased as nextPage, which is a column that contains the value of the previous PageType for each row, partitioned by SessionID.

In summary, the LAG function in the above SQL query retrieves the previous PageType for each SessionID, ordered by PageOrder, and stores it in a new column called nextPage.